Caroline Fusco
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education and Health
Caroline Fusco received her PhD from the University of Toronto in Community Health Studies-Exercise Sciences in 2003. Her areas of academic interests include: the sociology of physical activity and health; cultural geographies of children and youth’s physical activity and health environments; poststructuralist and feminist theories of the body, gender and sexuality; ethics and social justice issues in sport and physical education; qualitative research methods; and equity and diversity studies in education.
Selected Publications:
Fusco, C., Moola, F., Faulkner, G., Buliung, R., & Richichi, V. Toward an Understanding of Children’s Perceptions of their Transport Geographies: (Non)Active School Travel and Visual Representations of the Built Environment. Journal of Transport Geography.
Fusco, C., Faulkner, G., Moola, F., Buliung, R., & Richichi, V. Urban School Travel: Exploring children’s qualitative narratives about their trip to school. Children, Youth and Environments.
Frohlich, K., Alexander, S., & Fusco, C. (Resubmitted). All work and no play? The nascent discourse on play and pleasure in health research. Social Theory and Health.
Fusco, C. (2009). Subjection, surveillance, and the place(s) of performance: the discursive productions of space in Canada’s national sport centre policy. Sport History Review, 40 (1), pp. 1-29.
Fusco, C. (2008). ‘Naked Truths’: Ethnographic dilemmas of doing research on the body in social spaces. In Kathleen Gallagher (Ed.), The Methodological Dilemma: Critical, Creative, and Post-Positivist Approaches to Qualitative Research: Routledge, 159-184.
Fusco, C. (2007) ‘Healthification’ and the promises of urban space: A textual analysis of representations of Place, Activity, Youth (PLAY-ing) in the city. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 423(1), 43-63.
Book Chapters:
Fusco, C. (In press). Moral geographies, healthification and neo-liberal urban imaginaries. In David L. Andrews & Michael L. Silk (Eds.), Sport and Neo-Liberalism: Temple University Press.
Fusco, C. (In press). Psychogeographies, abjection and productions of culture: Kristeva and the psychic realm of physical cultural studies. In Michael L. Silk & David L. Andrews (Eds.), Physical Cultural Studies Anthology: Temple University Press.
Gallagher, K., & Fusco, C. (In press). (Lesbian) M/Otherhood as Contradiction: love, sexuality and other (imagined) wonders. In S. Springgay, D. Freedman, and N. Jolly (Eds.), M/othering a bodied curriculum: Theories and practices of relational teaching. University of Toronto Press.
Book Reviews:
Fusco, C. (2011). Review of ‘Geographies of sexualities: theory, practice and politics’, edited by Kath Browne, Jason Lim and Gavin Brown, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, xi +264 pp., 60 (hardback), 25 (paperback), ISBN 978-0-7546-4761-4. Leisure Studies, 30(2), 261-265