Sky Gilbert
Sky Gilbert is a writer, director, and drag queen extraordinaire.
He was co-founder and artistic director of Buddies in Bad Times Theatre (North America’s largest gay and lesbian theatre) for 18 years where he produced over 25 of his own plays. He has received three Dora Mavor Moore Awards (including one for his recent play THE SITUATIONISTS) and the Pauline McGibbon Award for theatre directing, and he was the recipient of The Margo Bindhardt Award (from the Toronto Arts Foundation), The Silver Ticket Award (from the Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts), and the ReLit Award (for his fourth novel AN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN, 2004). Dr. Gilbert is an Associate Professor and holds a University Research Chair in Creative Writing and Theatre Studies at The School of English and Theatre Studies at the University of Guelph. His 6th full length novel COME BACK is scheduled for publication in Spring 2012 by ECW Press.