
SDS Graduate Courses 2024-2025

Students enrolled in the SDS collaborative program are required to take our core course, SDS1000H.

SDS1000H Theory and Methods in Sexual Diversity Studies

Instructor: Julie Moreau

Time: Winter term, Fridays 1-3pm

This course serves as the core requirement for the collaborative specialization in Sexual Diversity Studies. It covers important theories, methods, and historical movements in queer, trans, and sexuality studies across the disciplines. It approaches sexuality studies through an intersectional lens by examining how colonialism, settler colonialism, migration, class structure, and neoliberalism shape and are shaped by gender and sexual minorities locally and globally.

Enrollment in SDS1000 is restricted to students in the SDS collaborative specialization. Students in the SDS collaborative can request enrolment through ACORN. Students outside of Faculty of Arts and Science may also have to submit an add/drop form.

If space remains available, students from outside the collaborative specialization can apply for enrolment by filling out an SDS1000 ballot as well as an add/drop form. The course is limited to 15 spaces.

SDS1999H Special Topics – Trans Technē

Instructor: SA Smythe, Faculty of Information

Time: Fall 2024, Thursdays 3-5pm

This postgraduate seminar gathers technē and technologies of trans livingness ecologies of thought, and aesthetic production (i.e., artefacts, performance, coalitional social movements, texts, archival formations). Each week stages a conversation in the interstices of theory, praxis, and other cosmologies, including between “borders and transitions,” “liberation and emancipation,” “identification and identity,” “atmospheres and imaginaries,” pronouns and prefixes (e.g., the “non” in nonbinary), “rights and autonomy,” “racial logics and colonial grammars,” “poetics and practices.” Our study encounters legal writing and public policy; ethnography; black studies, performance; historiography; critical theory; dominant archives and technologies of dispossession. Informed by interventions from those most impacted by a nexus of violence, we will produce creative work and practical propositions that develop collaborative responses and our own transmedia and transdisciplinary tools for navigating the present political conjuncture.

Enrolment is open to all graduate students. Students can request enrolment via ACORN. Students outside of Faculty of Arts and Science may also have to submit an add/drop form.