Yiftach Fehige

Associate Professor, Christianity and Science at the Institute for the History and Philosophy and Science and Technology

Fehige is a philosopher and a theologian with an appointment in “Christianity and Science” based in the Institute for the History and Philosophy and Science and Technology and St. Michael’s College.  He is am cross-appointed to the Centre for the Study of Religion, and associated faculty member of the collaborative graduate specialization at the Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies. In 2011 he was a member of the Collegium (governing board) of the University of St. Michael’s College, representing the fellows of its College division.

In accordance with his interdisciplinary training, he  has developed a quite diverse research portfolio. He has been working on the metaphysics of human sexuality, the rationality of theism, the Christian-Jewish dialogue, and thought experiments. His teaching reflects these diverse research interests but focuses primarily on topics concerning the relation between science and religion, Christianity in particular.

He came to Canada in 2006 from Germany after a number of years in Israel.

Selected Publications

“Towards a Theology of Sexual Diversity: A Tightrope Walk between Christianity and Science.” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science (forthcoming).

“Homosexuality in the West,” in Sciences and Narratives in East and West, edited by Sundar Sarukkai et al. (New Dehli and New York: Routledge, forthcoming).

“Transsexualität zwischen Genetik und sozialer Praxis / Transsexuality between genetics and social practice.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 57 (2009): 757-780

“Transsexuality: Reconciling Christianity and Science. Toronto Journal of Theology 27 (2011): 51-71.

Sexualphilosophie. Eine einführende Annäherung/ Philosophy of Sex: An Iintroductory Approach, (volume 10 of the series Einführungen: Philosophie / Introductions: Philosophy) (Berlin: LIT, 2007).