Join us for the Sex & Ethics Reading Group!

Organized by Professor John Paul Ricco (Comparative Literature, Art History, Visual Studies) [On sabbatical until September 2024]
Interim organizer: Colin Buist (PhD Candidate, Art History)
Graduate Students, Faculty, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Advanced Undergraduates are invited to join this Reading Group, where we will discuss some of the top books recently published on the topic of sex and ethics over refreshments.
Unless specified below, meetings will take place on the second Friday of the month from 12PM to 2PM, in the Seminar Room of the Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, University College, Room 253.
February 9: Manon Garcia, The Joy of Consent: A Philosophy of Good Sex (2023)
March 8: Jean-Luc Nancy and Irving Goh, The Deconstruction of Sex (2021)
April 12*: Jamieson Webster, Disorganisation & Sex (2022)
May 10: Avgi Saketopoulou and Ann Pellegrini, Gender Without Identity (2023)
June 7**: Judith Butler, Who’s Afraid of Gender? (2024) [Publication date March 19]
* Note exception that the group will meet 1PM to 3PM on April 12
** Note exception that June 7 is the first Friday of June
Participants are asked to acquire their own copies of the books. The Joy of Consent and The Deconstruction of Sex are available online through the University of Toronto library catalogue.
No RSVP required, but if you plan to participate for the term, it will help to let us know in advance. Please contact